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The SS 30:Original


Description:  The SS 30 is one of the originally released pistol-sized water blasters. Though likely good for back-up, a working model is unavailable for review. Thus, little is known about its performance, durability, etc.

Pros: N/A

Cons: N/A

Other Reviews:
Review By ICEBMX8 (Edited by iSoaker.com)

The Super Soaker 30 is a very solid backup and covert mission gun. It has decent range and is preferable over my new XP 20. Its stream is smaller, as with all early models, but the reservoir holds a very good amount of water. Unlike the SS 50, the SS 30's pump handle is much stronger. The trigger pull is a little stiff, but it carries a very powerful stream. Easy to handle and, surprisingly, it doesn't leak. I've had this blaster for a very long time and I haven't had any problems except it leaked out of the handle once. A very nice blaster if you can manage to obtain one of these. I'm not sure of the specifications, but I'll try to mail them later.

(Posted on 2001/04/07)



1998:SS 50: 10th Year Anniversary | 1991:SS 30:Classic | SS 50:Classic | SS 100:Classic | 1989:SS 10:Original | SS 20:Original | SS 25:Original | SS 40: Original | SS 60:Original | SS MDS | SS 200:Original | SS 300:Original | 1988:SS 30:Original | SS 50:Original | SS 100:Original

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